Profile Picture Featuring Pedro Kielblock

Pedro Kielblock


Hey 👋 I am a passionate developer dedicated to continuous improvement and growth in my field. Each day presents a new opportunity to enhance my skills and contribute to innovative solutions. 😎


I hold a diploma in Systems Development from ETEC Lauro Gomes and a degree in Analysis and Systems Development from FATEC São Caetano do Sul - Antonio Russo. This dual background provides a comprehensive understanding of the technical and theoretical aspects of the field. My fluency in English is certified by B2 First and C1 Advanced qualifications, enabling effective communication in diverse professional settings. Currently, I am leveraging these skills in my role as a Systems Analyst at ReThinkingWorks, where I engage in a range of innovative projects, applying my technical expertise and analytical skills to develop and optimize systems, keeping pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape.



I specialize in Web Development, with a particular emphasis on backend technologies using Java and Spring Boot. While my primary expertise lies in this area, I maintain a flexible and expansive approach to learning. I am continuously exploring and studying various other areas and programming languages, ensuring a well-rounded and adaptable skill set in the ever-evolving field of web development.